A good friend asked me to create something out of old photos and videos for his wedding. A simple video would not suffice and just a slideshow neither. On the way back home from my friends stag party (Junggesellenabschied) I thought about whats all this about. All those moments are just scattered fragments in the past, but all together form the life my friend and his wife now live. Then a very concrete visual idea hit me: I wanted to create a space, which represents the past with all those fragments and just from a certain angle, you are able to to see a complete photo or video.
I used my favorite toolkit for computed graphics vvvv. Further it had to be interactive, because I did not want to shorten what people should see out of this mass of memories. They should explore on their own. For navigation I used a very simple distribution of six images around both sides of each axis. Therefore you could go up. left, down or right. I connected a Kinect sensor, so that people can control it by hand with point that direction.
A few weeks later I could not sleep so I played around with those triangles again. You can watch it on vimeo and I think this is not the last time for triangles…